The belief that CANCER IS CURABLE needs to be hammered deep to the level of sub- consciousness not only in cancer victims but also in a common man. Cancer Care came into existence on 16th October 1997 with primary objective of raising cancer awareness and to comfort cancer patients and their family members by boosting their morale and minimizing their anxiety.
It is registered as a not-for-profit organization, an associate body of Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer Hospital & Research Centre (BMCHRC) created by a cohesive team of 80 dedicated women volunteers who are relentlessly engaged in selfless service to help and support Cancer Patients by infusing positivity in them as well as their family members.
Cancer is a disease that has silently killed many people across the globe and has become a metaphor for pain and grief. As per WHO, there are more than 20 million cases of cancer in the world today. However, as the scientific knowledge surrounding cancer has developed, great scientific advances are being made, and sufficient resources are available, there is a lot that can be done to prevent, treat, and cure this suffering.
I have observed that lack of a comprehensive and systematic approach has remained an impediment and have worked as obstacles to effective treatment. So, at Cancer Care, we aim to reduce this bottleneck to pave the way for a better future for cancer patients. Our goal is to reduce the occurrence of the disease and mortality from cancer along with improving their quality of life after getting affected by the dreaded disease.
We know that a majority of the cases can be prevented in the beginning by creating awareness among the masses and educating them. In addition to creating awareness, we aspire to make palliative care more accessible. I know what we are seeking to do is not easy. But the opportunities that we have to control cancer and treat them overweigh the constraints in the path.
Read Morefree from cancer by giving financial assistance worth Rs 8 Cr for their treatment.
cancer survivors
wishes fulfilled
cancer patients
people enlightened about
cancer prevention
patients screened through 1368
cancer screening camps
blood collected via 851 blood donation camps.
oxygen concentrators during the COVID Pandemic
to over 70 thousand people during the COVID Pandemic
Rs. 19512408 free medicines provided to 4395 patients.
Join this effort to facilitate the
Early Detection, Diagnosis and Prevention of the disease